Defines grammar and encapsulates parsing logic. A ParseObject takes as input a String source and parses it when the ParseObject.apply method is called. A structure ParseResult is returned.

Static methods


A ParseObject that consumes and yields the entire remainder of the stream.


Accepts an array of parsers Array<ParseObject>, yielding the value of the first one that succeeds, backtracking in between. This means that the order of parsers matters. If two parsers match the same prefix, the longer of the two must come first.

// => {status: true, value: 'ab'}

// => {status: false, ...}

In the second case, Parser.alt matches on the first parser, then there are extra characters left over ('b'), so ParseObject returns a failure.


A ParseObject that consumes and yields the next character of the stream.

staticas<A>(parser:ParseObject<A>, expected:String):ParseObject<A>

Returns a new ParseObject whose failure message is expected parameter. For example, string('x').as('the letter x') will indicate that 'the letter x' was expected.

staticatLeast<A>(parser:ParseObject<A>, n:Int):ParseObject<Array<A>>

Expects ParseObject at least n times. Yields an array of the results.

staticinlineatMost<A>(parser:ParseObject<A>, n:Int):ParseObject<Array<A>>

Expects ParseObject at most n times. Yields an array of the results.


Returns a ParseObject that looks for exactly one character from String and yields that exact value. This combinator is faster than Parser.string in case of matching single character.


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/[0-9]/)


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/[0-9]* /)


Returns a new failed ParseObject with 'empty' message


A ParseObject that expects to be at the end of the stream (zero characters left).


Returns a failing ParseObject with the given expected message.

staticflatMap<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, fun:A‑>ParseObject<B>):ParseObject<B>

Returns a new ParseObject which tries parser, and on success calls the function fun : A -> ParseObject<B> with the result of the parse, which is expected to return another parser, which will be tried next. This allows you to dynamically decide how to continue the parse, which is impossible with the other combinators.

var CustomString =
    .flatMap(function(start) {
      var end = [
        '[' => ']',
        '(' => ')',
        '{' => '}',
        '<'=> '>'
      end = end != null ? end : start;

      return Parser.takeWhile(function(c) {
        return c != end;

CustomString.apply('%:a string:'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%[a string]'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%{a string}'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%(a string)'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%<a string>'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}


Yields current position in stream


Accepts a function that returns a ParseObject, which is evaluated the first time the parser is used. This is useful for referencing parsers that haven't yet been defined, and for implementing recursive parsers.

static var Value = Parser.lazy(function() {
  return Parser.alt([

// ...
Value.apply('X');     // => {status: true, value: 'X'}
Value.apply('(X)');   // => {status: true, value: 'X'}
Value.apply('((X))'); // => {status: true, value: 'X'}


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/[a-z]/i)


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/[a-z]* /i)


Expects ParseObject zero or more times, and yields an array of the results.


Expects ParseObject one or more times, and yields an array of the results.

staticmap<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, fun:A‑>B):ParseObject<B>

Transforms the output of parser with the given function fun : A -> B.

var pNum = Parser.regexp(~/[0-9]+/).map(Std.applyInt);

pNum.apply('9');   // => {status: true, value: 9}
pNum.apply('123'); // => {status: true, value: 123}
pNum.apply('3.1'); // => {status: true, value: 3.1}


Returns a ParseObject that looks for exactly one character NOT from String, and yields that character.


Returns a ParseObject that looks for exactly one character from String, and yields that character.


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/\s* /)

staticor<A>(parser:ParseObject<A>, alternative:ParseObject<A>):ParseObject<A>

Returns a new ParseObject which tries parser, and if it fails uses alternative. Example:

var numberPrefix =

numberPrefix.apply('+'); // => {status: true, value: '+'}
numberPrefix.apply('-'); // => {status: true, value: '-'}
numberPrefix.apply('');  // => {status: true, value: ''}

@:value({ group : 0 })staticregexp(re:EReg, group:Int = 0):ParseObject<String>

Returns a ParseObject that looks for a match to the EReg and yields the given match group (defaulting to the entire match). The EReg will always match starting at the current parse location. The regexp may only use the following flags: imu. Any other flag will result in some weird behaviour.

staticresult<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, value:B):ParseObject<B>

Returns a new ParseObject with the same behavior, but which yields value. Equivalent to, function(x) return x).

staticinlinesepBy<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, separator:ParseObject<B>):ParseObject<Array<A>>

Accepts two ParseObjects, and expects zero or more matches for content, separated by separator, yielding an array.

// => {status: true, value: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'a']}

// => {status: true, value: []}

staticsepBy1<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, separator:ParseObject<B>):ParseObject<Array<A>>

This is the same as ParseObject.sepBy, but matches the content parser at least once.


Accepts an array of parsers Array<ParseObject> and returns a new ParseObject<Array> that expects them to match in order, yielding an array of all their results.

staticskip<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, next:ParseObject<B>):ParseObject<A>

Expects next after parser, but yields the value of parser.

var parserA = p1.skip(p2); // is equivalent to...
var parserB = Parser.seq([p1, p2]).map(function(results) return results[0]);


Returns a ParseObject that looks for String and yields that exact value.


Returns a ParseObject that doesn't consume any of the string, and yields value.


Returns a ParseObject yielding a string containing all the next characters that pass the predicate : String -> Bool.

var CustomString =
    .flatMap(function(start) {
      var end = [
        '[' => ']',
        '(' => ')',
        '{' => '}',
        '<'=> '>'
      end = end != null ? end : start;

      return Parser.takeWhile(function(c) {
        return c != end;

CustomString.apply('%:a string:'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%[a string]'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%{a string}'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%(a string)'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}
CustomString.apply('%<a string>'); // => {status: true, value: 'a string'}


Returns a ParseObject that yield a single character if it passes the predicate function String -> Bool.

var SameUpperLower = Parser.test(function(c) {
  return c.toUpperCase() == c.toLowerCase();

SameUpperLower.apply('a'); // => {status: false, ...}
SameUpperLower.apply('-'); // => {status: true, ...}
SameUpperLower.apply(':'); // => {status: true, ...}

staticthen<A, B>(parser:ParseObject<A>, next:ParseObject<B>):ParseObject<B>

Expects next to follow parser, and yields the result of next.

var parserA = p1.then(p2); // is equivalent to...
var parserB = Parser.seq([p1, p2]).map(function(results) return results[1]);

statictimes<A>(parser:ParseObject<A>, min:Int, ?max:Int):ParseObject<Array<A>>

Expects ParseObject between min and max times (or exactly min times, when max is omitted), and yields an array of the results.


Equivalent to Parser.regexp(~/\s+/)